正规博彩十大网站是一所私立大学,学杂费约占三年博士课程所需收入的三分之二. Gifts from alumni, parents and regents, income from endowments, 来自私人机构和其他收入的资金帮助满足项目成本, 但是通货膨胀和其他因素可能需要每年增加学杂费来提供必要的项目收入.

Like most U.S. universities, Pacific’s Board of Regents sets tuition each year. The board tries to keep increases as low as possible. 近年来,平均每年增长约3%,低于大多数同行. 请注意,不同项目的学费和涨幅可能会有所不同,以满足特定的需求.

因为我们提供全国唯一一个可以在三个日历年内完成的牙科项目, 我们的牙科学生支付三年的学费,而不是所有其他牙科学校的四年学费.




Upon notification of acceptance, applicants are required to submit a nonrefundable $1,根据录取通知书上的要求,支付5000美元的注册费(研究生课程为500美元),以保持他们的位置. 该费用将适用于正规博彩十大网站入学时的第一季度学费. First quarter tuition is due and payable before matriculation day. 随后的学费支付应在每个季度的第一天到期,并要求注册和继续注册.

Tuition Refund

Withdrawal: 学校政策规定,在回应学生或申请人的书面退学通知时, tuition credit shall be allocated as follows:

  • Prior to matriculation: full credit less the enrollment fee.
  • 入学后:扣除注册费(见下文)后按日历天数按比例分配学分.
  • After first day of class, 第二至最后一个季度:按日历日按比例分配如下:
    • 1st through 7th day: 80% credit
    • 8th through 14th day: 60% credit
    • 15th through 25th day: 40% credit
    • 26th through 35th day: 20% credit
    • After 35th day: no refund

Dismissal: Upon dismissal for reasons other than misconduct, tuition credit is allocated according to the refund schedule above. When a dismissed student is readmitted, full tuition must be paid for each quarter repeated, or part thereof.

Extended Program

在课程的最后一个季度结束时,学生在所有临床学科中没有充分证明其能力,将延长到毕业后. An extended student is not charged tuition for one quarter. 下一个季度或其中一部分的学费按当前费率的85%收取. In every quarter of the extension, 延长学生支付现行的强制性健康和残疾保险费率. 在通知院长成绩达到毕业标准后, 延长的学生在本季度剩余的每一整周的教学中获得10%的学费减免.

Readmission and Repeat

复读生每学期的学费为当前学费的85%,之后为当前学费的100%. 学生必须支付任何未偿还的帐户余额,才有资格重新入学或重读全部或部分学年.

Diplomas and Transcripts

直到学生在大学的账户全部付清,并且学校认为所有其他要求都已满足,才会颁发文凭. If a diploma is held for financial reasons only, the original graduation date is retained on the record.


The enrollment fee described above is nonrefundable. 下面的费用和开支清单不应该被认为是完整的所有学生, 其中包括外部机构的预期费用,称为“特殊费用”.” Fees listed below are for the DDS program and are estimates. 国际牙科研究和研究生课程的费用可从国际牙科研究部和正畸部获得, and the Endodontics department, respectively.

DDS Program Fees, 2024-2025

(partial listing; some fees subject to adjustment)

  • Application Fees: $75.00
  • Instrument Management Fee
    • DDS 2027: $3,620.00
    • DDS 2026: $4,360.00 
    • DDS 2025: $5,655.00 
    • IDS 2026: $3,620.00
    • IDS 2025: $5,655.00   
  • Student Body**: $150.00
  • Health Insurance: $3,430.00
  • Disability Insurance: $53.00
  • Technology Fee: $750.00
  • Optical Loupes: $1,195.00
  • Health Center Fee: $960.00

Supplies and Textbooks 2024-2025

  • Student Doctoral Kit: 
    • DDS 2027: $12,750.00***
    • DDS 2026: $3,880.00*** 
    • IDS 2026: $14,800.00***
  • Student Rental Kit:
    • DDS 2027: $300.00***
    • DDS 2026: $260.00***
    • DDS 2025: $525.00***
    • IDS 2026: $645.00***
    • IDS 2025: $645.00***

Special Fees, 2024-2025

  • A.S.D.A.**: $95.00
  • ADEA**: $110.00
  • California Dental Assn. Membership**: $5.00
  • Laboratory Fee: 
    • DDS 2027: $350.00
    • IDS 2026: $350.00  
  • Student Retreat fee:   
    • DDS 2025: $195.00  
    • IDS 2025: $195.00
  • Commencement fee: 
    • DDS 2025: $210.00
    • IDS 2025: $210.00
    • Ortho 2024: $210
    • Endo 2024: $210 
  • Total:
    • DDS 2027: $23,743.00***
    • DDS 2026: $14,053.00***
    • DDS 2025 $12,138.00***
    • IDS 2026: $26,163.00***
    • IDS 2025: $12,258.00***

**Fees for student body, class, ASDA和CDA的会员资格每年都会根据学生团体和各自班级的决定而有所不同.

***Estimate only

Store Refund Policy


Student Accounts

提供学生帐户以支付学费和学生商店费用. This privilege may be restricted for cause.


未按时付款的学生将被暂停学业,不采取进一步行动或程序. In addition, a student will not be deemed to have met graduation requirements, nor will a diploma be issued, until a student's account with the university is paid in full.

For more information regarding tuition and fees, payment options, setting up a payment plan, or general payment inquiries, please visit the Student Accounts page. 


Robert Kim, Student Accounts
Location: 4th Floor; Area 4B-22
Phone: 415.929.6653
Email: rkim1@kelseygrill.net

Patient Accounts

该学生负责指定的综合护理病人的财务管理. 这一职责包括对授权的程序收取正确的费用. 如果在开始护理之前没有做出财务安排,学生将不会获得该程序的学分.

Foreign Students

为了遵守美国移民归化局的规定, 正规博彩十大网站要求非美国公民或永久居民的申请人提交一份详细的财务证明,证明有足够的财力在该大学学习. 其他有关外国学生入学的特殊信息和说明将根据要求提供.


学校保留随时修改或更改录取标准或要求的权利,无需事先通知,并立即生效. 本网站提供的信息不能被视为在学生和学校之间建立有约束力的合同.