In an Emergency:
Your safety our primary concern.  如果有紧急情况或目击可疑活动, 透过下列其中一种方式联络公安:

  • Call 6-3911.  This will connect you to Public Safety from any on-campus phone.
  • 按下“蓝色”灯站的紧急呼叫按钮.  这将直接连接到校园的公共安全部门.
  • 联络校园内的公安人员:
    • Stockton:  6-2537 or (209) 946-2537
    • Sacramento:  4-7200 or (916) 739-7200
    • San Francisco:  5-6411 or (415) 929-6456

正规博彩十大网站致力于为所有学生提供安全的教育和工作环境, staff, faculty, alumni, and guests. While Public Safety provides 24-hour protection on all three of the University’s campuses, 重要的是,太平洋社区的每个人都要分担保护自己和他人安全的责任. 本网站包含重要的应急资源和信息,可以帮助您和大学做好准备, respond, 从危机中恢复过来.


Emergency communication systems

In order to keep the university and other groups consistently informed, 太平洋开发了一个紧急情况网站. 随着情况的发生和新信息的收集, this website will be the site where the University posts updates and announcements.

During an emergency, 该大学将通过PacificCONNECT向太平洋社区提供简短的紧急通知. 所有的学生、教师和工作人员都是 STRONGLY 登记使用紧急通知系统,并随时更新资料.

太平洋警报小组有能力通过大学的思科IP电话系统发送紧急通知和消息. 在其工作站上拥有这些电话的员工不需要注册此服务(每个电话都自动注册)。. 如果紧急通知通过此系统发送, all phones will receive the message regardless if the phone is in use or not.

The Stockton Campus has an external, outdoor speaker system that is used to notify those outdoors of a threat or danger. Speakers are located throughout campus and are designed to offer quick, brief messages and instructions. 这个系统不需要注册.

How to respond during an emergency

最近世界各地发生的正规博彩十大网站排名突出表明,高校需要为各种可能发生的紧急情况做好准备. 正规博彩十大网站关心我们校园社区所有成员的安全,并意识到我们在最大限度地减少紧急情况影响方面的最大优势是拥有训练有素的教职员工. In order to fulfill this objective, 大学设计了这个指南来指导你在危机或紧急情况下应该做什么. Please take time to review and become familiar with the contents of this manual. 如果您有任何问题或需要更多信息, be sure to contact your Building Team Leader or Public Safety at 209.946.2537.

Report an Emergency - 209.946.3911 (63911 from University phones) 
University Emergency Website - During an emergency, this site will provide up-to-date information
Register for PacificCONNECT - Pacific's emergency messaging system for students and employees


  1. Remain calm. 其他人会像你在危机中一样做出反应.
  2. 确保你在一个安全的地方,远离伤害.
  3. Contact Public Safety using any "Blue Light" emergency phone or by calling 6-3911 or 209.946.2537 并报道事实和重要信息. Do NOT hang up until told to do so.
  4. Stay alert, size up the situation, 听从急救人员的指示, take action based on the known facts and adhere to the guidelines outlined on this website.
  5. 在任何紧急情况下,太平洋警报小组将协调大学的反应. One of the Pacific Alert Team Co-Chairs will serve as the Incident Commander. 大学校长(或其指定的人)对所有紧急程序的实施负有最终责任和权力.
  6. Refer all media inquiries to the staff in Marketing and University Communications. 这些工作人员将与媒体合作,确保及时有效地提供信息.

根据美国国土安全部的数据, if you are in a situation where there is an active shooter in your area, 最好遵循三个基本步骤.  These include:

If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:

  • 心中有逃生路线和计划吗.  Know where the exits are located.
  • 不管其他人是否同意跟随,都要撤离
  • 不要试图与个人接触
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Help others escape, if possible
  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be
  • Keep your hands visible
  • 听从任何公共安全官员的指示
  • 不要试图移动受伤的人
  • Call 911 when you are safe.  而他们的平均反应时间是2分钟, it may take longer for Public Safety to reach your location depending on the situation.

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:

  • 在枪手的视线之外
  • 如果有人朝你的方向开枪,你要提供保护.e.(一间门上了锁的办公室)
  • 而不是困住你或限制你的行动选择


  • Lock the door
  • 用笨重的家具堵住门

If the active shooter is nearby:

  • Lock the door
  • 把你的手机和/或呼机调成静音
  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions)
  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks)
  • Remain quiet


  • Remain calm
  • Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen

As a last resort, 只有当你的生命处于迫在眉睫的危险时, 试图扰乱和/或使射击者丧失行动能力;

  • 对他/她表现得尽可能咄咄逼人
  • 投掷物品和临时武器
  • Yell
  • Commit to your actions

CSU Active Shooter Safety Training

In the event of a bomb threat on campus, the following procedures should be followed:


  1. DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT. 清理该区域,并立即通过任何“蓝色”紧急电话或致电与公共安全部门联系 9-3911 or 209-946-2537
  2. 撤离可疑包裹周围区域,等待急救人员的指示.


1. Remain calm, listen carefully and keep the caller on the line as long as possible.

2. Identify and record the caller's number from the phone if it is available.

3. If the caller remains on line, ask:

    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Where is the bomb located?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What does it look like?
    • 炸弹威胁的原因是什么?

4. Record every word spoken by the person and gather as much information as possible such as:

    • Time of call
    • 估计来电者的年龄和性别
    • Any speech pattern or dialect
    • Emotional state of the caller
    • Any background noise you might hear

5. Contact Public Safety via any "Blue" emergency phone or by calling9-3911 or 209.946.2537.

6. 不要触发火警,避免使用手机,因为它们的电流可能会触发潜在的炸弹.

7. 遵从急救人员的所有指示.


1. Contact Public Safety via any "Blue" emergency phone or by calling9-3911 or 209.945.2537.

2. Hand the written communication to Public Safety along with the following information:

    • Who found it?
    • Where was it found?
    • When was it found or delivered?
    • Who touched it?

During an earthquake:
Drop, Cover and Hold On. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.

If Indoors

  • DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. 如果你附近没有桌子或书桌, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
  • 对于那些住在大学宿舍的人,如果地震发生时你在那里,请卧床休息. 抓紧,用枕头保护头部, 除非你在一个很重的灯具下,它可能会掉下来. 在这种情况下,转移到最近的安全地方.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, 例如照明装置或家具.
  • 不要进入门道,因为门道不能保护你免受坠落或飞行物体的伤害, 你可能站不住了
  • Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. 在地震时不要离开建筑物. 研究表明,大多数伤害发生在建筑物内的人试图移动到建筑物内的其他位置或试图离开时.
  • DO NOT use the elevators.
  • 要注意,电力可能会中断,洒水系统或火警可能会启动.

If Outdoors

  • Stay there.
  • 远离建筑物、路灯和电线.
  • 一旦到了户外,就呆在那里,直到震动停止. 最大的危险直接存在于建筑物外、出口和外墙附近. 1933年长滩地震造成120人死亡,其中许多人是在人们跑出建筑物时被倒塌的墙壁掉落的碎片砸死的. Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. 大多数与地震有关的伤亡是由倒塌的墙壁、飞溅的玻璃和坠落的物体造成的.

If in a Moving Vehicle

  • 在安全许可的情况下尽快停车并留在车内. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
  • 地震停止后要小心行事. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.

If Trapped Under Debris

  • Do not light a match.
  • Do not move about or kick up dust.
  • 用手帕或衣服捂住嘴.
  • 轻敲管道或墙壁,这样救援人员就能找到你. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. 大喊大叫会使你吸入大量危险的灰尘.

After an Earthquake:

  • 听从急救人员的指示.
  • 与你的建筑团队负责人会面,以便他们对建筑人员和学生进行点名.
  • Do not reenter buildings unless informed by emergency personnel that it is safe to do so.


  1. Remain calm.
  2. Walk; do not push or crowd.
  3. 走最安全的路离开大楼.
  4. 走楼梯井,靠右走. Do NOT use elevators.
  5. Move away from the building. Look out for falling objects. Keep roadways and walkways clear. Move to your assembly point and assist people with disabilities to safety.
  6. 听从急救人员的指示.
  7. 在紧急救援人员通知安全之前不要返回建筑物.


  1. 校长(或其指定人员)将决定是否撤离校园, 校园疏散/关闭的长度, 以及学校何时恢复上课和正常运作.
  2. 一旦决定撤离或关闭校园, notification will be sent to the University community via Pacific Connect (e-mail, voice mail, and text), campus IP phones, e-news, the University emergency website, 以及一封发给全校的邮件.
  3. Remain calm and evacuate campus as quickly and effectively as possible. Students who live on campus will be bused to an off-campus location.
  4. 定期查看学校的应急网站(紧急 for updates and information about when the campus will reopen. Do NOT return to campus until informed to do so via the emergency website.


  1. Remain calm.
  2. 开门前检查门是否受热. If the door is hot, do NOT open it!
  3. 启动最近的火警拉闸站. Do not underestimate any fire.
  4. 警告你所在地区的人们,让他们安全撤离.
  5. Walk, do not push or crowd. If smoke is present, stay close to the ground as you evacuate the building.
  6. 走楼梯井,靠右走. Do NOT use elevators.
  7. Move away from the building. Look out for falling objects. Keep roadways and walkways clear. Move to your assembly point and assist people with disabilities to safety.
  8. 随时待命,听从急救人员的指示.
  9. 在紧急救援人员通知安全之前不要返回建筑物.

以防校园里即将发生洪水, the extent and time of a flood warning will largely dictate the course of action. 正规博彩十大网站的洪水计划为办公室和部门提供了有组织地应对洪水的指导方针和建立了协议.

Initial Contact Response:

  1. 圣华金县紧急服务办公室发布了可能发生洪水的通知, 太平洋警报小组的一名联合主席将启动该小组,监测情况并提出洪水应对计划. If a flood were to occur, the President (or her/his designee) will decide if the campus is to be evacuated, 校园疏散/关闭的时间, 以及学校何时恢复上课和正常运作.
  2. 一旦决定撤离或关闭校园, notification will be sent to University community via Pacific Connect (e-mail, voice mail, and text), campus IP phones, e-news, the University emergency website, 以及一封发给全校的邮件.
  3. 定期查看大学的应急网站(紧急 for updates and information about when the campus will reopen. Do NOT return to campus until informed to do so via the emergency website.

校园内或校园附近发生危险化学品或放射性物质泄漏事故, 应遵循下列程序:

  1. Be aware of any hazardous materials in your area and where the material is located.
  2. 如果有任何危险化学品或放射性物质泄漏, immediately notify Public Safety via any "Blue Light" emergency phone or by calling 6-9311 or 209.946.2537.
    • Inform Public Safety of the nature of the involved material (if known)
    • 泄漏或受影响地区的位置
  3. Identify any possibly injuries of those who may be contaminated by the spill. Vacate the affected building/area immediately by pulling the fire alarm. 在公共安全和/或应急人员到达之前,封闭区域以防止进一步污染.
  4. Move to your assembly point and assist people with disabilities to safety.
  5. 任何受泄漏污染的人都应尽可能避免与他人接触,并留在附近,向公共安全部门提供自己的姓名和信息.
  6. 提供急救和/或心肺复苏术,如果你受过这样的培训,同时要小心可能对他人造成额外的污染.
  7. 清理工作将立即由拥有适当设备和培训的授权人员开始.
  8. Do not return to an evacuated building unless authorized by Public Safety.


  1. Remain calm and do not panic.
  2. Follow instruction from the captor.
  3. Do NOT try to escape or attempt to resolve the situation by force.
  4. 除非别人问你,否则不要说话,而且只有在必要的时候才说话.
  5. 要善于观察,记住你所看到和听到的一切.
  6. Try to rest as much as possible. 耐心等待更多的信息. 记住:其他人会努力帮助你.
  7. If a rescue takes place, lie on the floor and await instructions from the rescuers.

Should a person need any medical assistance, please do the following:

  1. Ensure the safety of yourself and the victim(s) and that everyone is out of harm's way.
  2. Contact Public Safety using any "Blue Light" emergency phone or by calling 6-3911 or 209.946.2537 并报道事实和重要信息
    • 说明你自己和你的位置,受害人的位置和他/她的身份(如知道).
    • Describe the condition of the victim(s) (breathing, alert, bleeding, etc.).
    • 派人到设施入口处打开门,并指挥应急响应人员.
    • Do NOT hang up until told to do so.
  3. 稳定受害者的颈部和/或受伤的背部.
  4. 用毯子保持受害者体温. 确保受伤者不会过热.
  5. 如果你接受过急救和心肺复苏术的培训,就进行急救和心肺复苏术.

In the event of a robbery:

  1. Remain calm and avoid any action that may incite the suspect to act violently.
  2. Obey the suspect's instructions. 金钱和财产不值得你受到伤害.
  3. Contact Public Safety via any "Blue" emergency phone or by calling 9-3911 or 209.946.2537.