
Education in mathematics assists students in developing, 充分发挥他们的潜力, 他们的数学推理, communication and problem solving skills. 选择数学专业的学生有机会发展使用定量方法和适当技术的解决问题的能力. 他们了解我们的优势, 数学建模在各种学科中的局限性和广泛适用性. Students develop an appreciation for the discipline and esthetics of mathematics, effectiveness in problem solving, and an appropriate understanding of theory. 


You have the option to earn your bachelor degree in three years. 尽自己的一份力量保持在正轨上,你就可以在本科阶段少学一年. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.


Oscar Avalos has always enjoyed numbers and puzzles. He came to Pacific with a desire to study pure mathematics, 但他的教授邀请他参加一个数学会议,这让他得到了在陈-扎克伯格生物中心(Chan-Zuckerberg Bio Hub)实习的机会, where he discovered his passion for biomathematics.  

While we excel in scholarship and re搜索, teaching undergraduate mathematics is the task we value most. Our class sizes are small, enabling us to tailor courses to student need:

  • Lower division courses have 15-40 students.
  • Upper division courses have fewer students, typically around 10.


毕业后, mathematics students flourish in careers at insurance companies, various branches of 政府, 法学院, medical schools and engineering firms. Some go on to pursue graduate studies in 数学. 其他人则成为初中和高中的数学老师,或者从事精算师的职业. 数学在许多职业中都扮演着重要的角色,这里强调了其中的一些.

精算师 work for insurance companies, banks, investment firms and 政府 agencies. This job is consistently rated among the top five professions in the United States. 精算师 determine the risk involved with certain decisions, such as how much car insurance should cost or how mutual funds should be managed.

合格的 high school mathematics teachers 总是供不应求. Many of our alumni had job offers before they graduated. 

Many branches and agencies of the 政府 采用数学家. The Department of Defense, the 国家安全局, the Environmental Protection Agency and NASA are some examples.

运筹学分析师 work in an organization to keep things running efficiently. How should production be scheduled? How should resources be allocated? 

Earning a math major is good preparation for 法学院. 律师必须具备分析能力、创造力和逻辑推理和解决问题的能力. Training in mathematics develops these abilities. 

医学院校 have a strong record of accepting math majors. 我们的课程旨在让学生参加广泛的课程,如果你对医学专业感兴趣,可能包括生物和化学.

其他职业选择 对于数学专业的学生包括:

  • 工程师
  • 计算机程序员
  • 统计学家
  • 经济学家
  • 牙医
  • 科学作家或编辑
  • 环境顾问


数学系提供多种学位选择,以满足各种职业和学术目标. 主修数学的学生可以从四个学位中选择:数学学士学位或数学学士学位, a BS in applied mathematics or a BS in actuarial science. 

选择双主修或辅修数学或选择将数学作为文科教育一部分的学生学习主要方法, applicability and spirit of the mathematical sciences. 我们系帮助学生培养在任何职业中取得成功所必需的定量技能.

We have a major program that will suit your needs:

  • The BA in mathematics requires 10 math courses; this gives students room to take coursework for another interest such as preparation for law or medical school.
  • 如果你打算读数学或经济学的研究生,或者打算从事数学方面的职业, our BS in mathematics is a good choice.
  • 如果你正在寻找第二专业或对工程研究生学习感兴趣, the BS in applied mathematics might be right for you.
  • 我们提供的课程旨在为未来的高中数学教师准备CSET考试.



太平洋数学俱乐部有助于在我们的学生中建立社区和社交意识. 它偶尔会举办一些活动,比如电影之夜或3月14日的pi日庆祝活动. If you are interested in participating in this group contact Chris Goff.


太平洋问题解决小组是一个学生合作组织,专注于集体解决数学出版物中提出的问题,如 视野, a mathematics magazine targeted at undergraduates. Our team was cited in the February 2006 edition of 视野 as having correctly solved a given problem. 学生Damian Mondragon(08届)和Michael Abram(11届)分别被《正规博彩十大网站排名》(the 视野 对于提交的解决方案. If you are interested in participating with this group, contact Chris Goff.


普特南数学竞赛是美国和加拿大首屈一指的大学生数学竞赛. 考试, 由12个问题组成, is designed to test mathematical knowledge as well as creativity and originality. 每年大约有来自500所高校的3500名学生参加普特南. The competition is held on the first Saturday of each December. 如果你有兴趣加入正规博彩十大网站的团队, 联系阿列克谢·别图科夫. 你可能也有兴趣参加我们每年秋季学期提供的一个单元问题解决研讨会.

Pacific's California Sigma Chapter of 是

2011年4月, 17 Pacific students were inducted into 是, the national mathematics honor society.  These students are the founding members of the 350thChapter of 是, designated the California Sigma Chapter.  The petition for this new chapter was initiated by the 太平洋数学俱乐部.



是通过积极的学术活动来促进和认可学生的学术活动,从而实现了其目标, 充满活力的章节:

  1. Elect Members on an honorary basis according to their proficiency in mathematics;
  2. Engage in activities designed to promote the mathematical and scholarly development of its Members; and
  3. Take other measures designed to further the purposes of the Society.



精算科学是对数学有天赋和兴趣的学生最好的选择之一, 统计数据, economics and finance can pursue. It was ranked at Top 10 Best Job of 2019 by CareerCast.com. Pacific offers a concentration in actuarial science within the mathematics program. 


追求加州数学或基础水平数学单学科教学证书的学生可以选择学士或学士课程. In addition to earning a degree, 学生必须通过CSET(加州教师科目考试)的数学科目能力.



If you wish to qualify to teach mathematics at the secondary level, you should complete the Single Subject Credential in the social sciences. 向你的导师或系主任咨询有关具体课程要求的信息.  For other credential requirements, you should consult faculty in Benerd College.

Pacific 诺伊斯正规博彩十大网站排名 Program

PacNoyce正规博彩十大网站排名计划为正规博彩十大网站的STEM专业学生提供奖学金和其他支持,这些学生将成为高需求学区的教师, 比如斯托克顿.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750元/年, for juniors and seniors or $20,000 for the final MA/teaching credential year.


每年春天, 正规博彩十大网站数学系主办了阿维纳什·雷那高中数学竞赛, 邀请来自中央山谷各地的高中数学运动员来磨练他们的技能,在一个令人兴奋的数学竞赛活动中测试他们的知识.

阿维纳什·雷那高中数学竞赛是通过斯托克顿一位年轻男子的父母的捐赠才得以举办的, Avinash蕾娜, who as a Stagg High School student had exceptional math skills. 阿维纳什是一个天才学生,他相信数学技能对我们的日常生活至关重要. He not only excelled at math, but had a passion for speech and journalism. Avinash was never able to realize his many professional ambitions, because at 19 he was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Avinash succumbed to the disease in less than two years. 

To continue Avinash's legacy of academic excellence and passion for mathematics, 我们数学俱乐部的学生每年春天组织比赛,以确保知识的火焰继续在他的记忆中燃烧. 

high school students raising hands


Bachelor of Arts in 数学
Bachelor of Science in 数学
BS in Applied Math with a Concentration in 保险精算学
Bachelor of Science in 保险精算学
Bachelor of Science in Applied 数学


209.946.2347 lcorona@kelseygrill.net

斯托克顿CA 95211