

加速混合程序:55个单位, 16-month program in four straight trimesters without a summer break. 课程是基于队列的全日制课程,具有重要的嵌入式体验学习和跨专业教育机会.

高级课程:32个单元, 为获得社会工作教育委员会认可的社会工作学士学位的学生提供为期三个月的高级课程.


What will my weekly schedule look like if I become a student? 

审查 时间表样本(pdf)



How much does it cost to attend Pacific's MSW program?

访问 学费和杂费 查看当前成本.


What kind of financial aid is available?

正规博彩十大网站的经济援助计划是根据每个人的资格和学习计划量身定制的. 一旦学生被录取并接受该计划的录取,他们将收到经济援助信息. For answers to specific financial aid questions, applicants can contact the Office of 金融援助 at 916.739.7158 or finaid@太平洋.edu.


Do you offer teaching assistantships or graduate assistantships?

At the present time, the program does not offer teaching or graduate assistantships.



美国研究生.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens may apply for federal student loans. Please contact the Office of 金融援助 at finaid@太平洋.edu 了解更多信息 about financing options.



奖学金s available vary from year to year in up to amounts of $25,000.  To learn more, register to attend an info session 在这里,并关注我们的Instagram账号 在这里.

居住在斯托克顿地区的学生可能有资格成为雅培基金正规博彩十大网站排名,并获得高达学费50%的奖学金. 有关更多信息,请单击 在这里.



Is it possible for me to visit the campus and talk with an advisor?

一名教师可以与您交谈,提供有关该计划的更多信息,并帮助您评估您是否适合该计划. 我们的项目全年还提供在线和面对面的信息会议,以帮助回答未来学生的问题并参观我们的设施. 报名参加一个信息会议.


What if I do not meet the 平均绩点 requirements?

如果你在至少5年前获得学士学位,并且根据你最近60个学期的学分,没有达到平均绩点要求, 考虑到你的专业和学术经历,录取可能仍然会使用你申请的其他部分.



16个月加速混合课程录取学生只接受在秋季学期开始该课程. 参加为期12个月的高级课程的学生将在春季学期开始该课程. Both programs are cohort-based with all students moving through the course sequence together.


Do I need to submit official transcripts to 板岩 and Pacific when I apply?

During the application process, you will need to submit official transcripts to 板岩. Please do not send official transcripts to the university. After you are admitted to the program and you accept the offer of admission, remaining transcripts should be sent directly to the university.


Are prerequisites required for admission to the program?

As of the application cycle for Fall 2024, t在这里 are no required prerequisite courses needed.


Can I transfer MSW credits from another university? 

To be able to transfer MSW credits from another university, it will require review by the program and the registrar after admissions. 学分必须在cswee认可的大学完成,并且是城市生活垃圾课程,成绩为B+或以上. We do not accept completed field hours; the course must be graded, not a pass/fail. If approved, you will be able to transfer a maximum of 9 units.  



W在这里 do I go to access the 板岩 application?

可以访问板岩应用程序 在这里.


What if my recommender doesn't want to fill out his/her letter of recommendation online?

板岩 requires that all letters of recommendation be completed online. If your recommender does not want to complete the recommendation online, we suggest that you find another recommender. 不使用可以在大学研究生院网页上找到的推荐表格. These forms will not be accepted by 板岩 or the MSW program.


Can I submit more letters of recommendation than required?

Accelerated Hybrid (16-month) Applicants:

  • Three letters of recommendation are required. 这三封信应该来自现任或前任工作主管和/或学院/大学教员,他们曾是你的导师.
  • Applicants may also submit an optional fourth letter of recommendation.

Advanced Standing (12-month) Applicants:

  • Three letters of recommendation are required. 这三封信应该来自现任或前任工作主管和/或学院/大学教员,他们曾是你的导师.
  • Applicants may also submit an optional fourth letter of recommendation. 


What is the prompt and length requirement for the personal statement?

  1. 与其他帮助专业相比,是什么因素影响了你选择城市生活垃圾学位? 
  2. What are your career plans with an MSW degree? How do you plan to commit to social justice and social change?
  3. What skills do you hope to develop while in the program, and why?
  4. 描述一下你的工作/志愿者经历,与不同的和代表性不足的人群一起工作,以及这是如何影响你成为一名社会工作者的愿望的?
  5. 在审查了 NASW道德准则, share two values or ethics that align most with your personal values.
  6. Based on the social work values and ethics, how do you anticipate growing as a social worker?
  7. 你的学业进展如何?, 专业, 志愿者, 你的领导经验为你的研究生加速课程做了准备?
  8. 解释一下你是如何为一个快速的、混合的研究生项目的严格要求做好准备的.
  9. 包括对在线/混合课程形式的优势和挑战的简短讨论.
  10. 在回顾了我们的使命宣言之后, 正规博彩十大网站的城市垃圾项目是否符合你的教育和职业目标?



我们以滚动方式录取学生.e. 当它们适用时). A priority deadline ensures that your application is considered first. 在优先截止日期(3月31日)之后申请的学生将在可用空间的基础上被录取.


What if my transcripts or letters don't get to 板岩 by the March 31 priority deadline?

板岩将继续接受以下项目.g. transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.). 然而, 在3月31日之后仍然缺少项目的申请将不会被优先考虑. 该计划将继续审查申请,并在最终截止日期前在可用空间的基础上录取学生.



What is the minimum 平均绩点 required to apply to Pacific's MSW program?

申请的最低平均绩点要求是2.传统的16个月课程是75美元. The Advanced Standing Program's minimum 平均绩点 is 3.30. 


我有研究生学位. When I calculate my overall 平均绩点, should I include my graduate course grades?

是的. 城市生活垃圾项目将查看你在所有高等院校的最后60个学习单元. This would include post-baccalaureate coursework (if applicable). 该项目将考虑你的学士学位平均绩点以及在每个申请人的整体审查.




The GRE exam is not required for admission. 然而, 如果参加了GRE考试,申请人可以在学术史部分提交GRE成绩. GRE代码为4609.




所有申请人将通过该项目和研究生院的电子邮件收到录取决定. 在完成申请后的30天内(当您提交申请并收到成绩单和推荐信等所有补充材料时),预计会收到一封决定信。. 城市生活垃圾计划的目标是尽快做出录取决定,为申请人提供足够的时间来计划.


If admitted to the program, when will I need to make my decision?

你的决定(确认我们的录取通知)必须在录取通知书上的日期后两周内做出. 在做决定时, you may wish to request a phone contact or personal visit and tour with an MSW faculty member.

What happens if I'm placed on the waiting list?

If you are offered to be placed on the waiting list, 你会被要求在录取决定信中确认你是否想留在等待名单上. 一旦有名额,招生委员会将开始通知等候名单上的学生.




秋季学期通常在8月中旬开课,春季学期通常在1月初开课. 看到 校历 了解更多信息.


Is it possible for me to work my full-time job while in your program?

Since we are a full-time cohort-based program, students are highly recommended not to work full-time while in our MSW program. With a field practicum requirement of 24 hours a week and the accelerated pace, it is very difficult to meet the rigorous curriculum with full-time employment.


No social work course credit for life experience or previous work experience.

城市生活垃圾计划不授予社会工作课程学分的生活经验或以前的工作经验. 生活及工作经历, 过去或现在, 不能代替必要的实地教育经验,也不能代替任何通才或专业实践课程.






How many fields will I be expected to complete by the end of the program?

从春季学期开始,学生将完成至少24小时/周的实地实习. You will be expected to complete 1004 hours of field by the end of the program.


有哪些类型的实习机会? Can I use my current employer as a field placement?

Our internships are often in the fields of behavioral health and healthcare. 有兴趣在实习中进行工作对话的学生需要与实习主管合作.